Sunday, August 3, 2008

Why Doesn't Everyone Take Reliv??

I've asked myself that question over and over again. What am I doing wrong? Why can't everyone I tell about Reliv just do it? There is something in my heart that saddens when I see someone who could be helped by this product still sufferring from pain, discomfort and disease.
I know there are many ways to approach introducing people to ReLiv, but I've decided my best way it to hold them in my heart and pray, yes pray, that the ones who will come to me to buy Reliv will come and the ones who don't will find some other means for themselves. Then I let go of the worry.

So, if you are that person who wants to have better health, better nutrition and a better life, contact me. I'll be happy to get you in touch with so many others who have found ReLiv to enhance theirs. Email, phone or leave a comment here. I'll answer any and all requests., 520 548 1870, click comment below! Come and Get It!!!

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