Monday, May 26, 2008

Soy What?

Personally, I've always been a fan of soy. It made sense to me that there would be an alternative protein source that was not animal protein. But Inever really knew what or how much soy was good for me. I just used it from time to time or once a week instead of meat.

Then there was some kind of study about soy and cancer. Great! Now what, I used to think.

Well, currently as happens with many of these medical studies, the connection between soy and cancer is so not what it appeared to be and more and more articles are being written to prove that. I have excerpted one such article from the September 2007 issue of Oprah's, O Magazine, written by David L. Katz, MD.

The evidence linking soy intake with breast cancer risk is mixed.

When researchers compare the Japenese, who eat a lot of soy, to Americans, who eat very little, they find lower rates of breast cand other cancers in the soy eaters. However, they've found that in a test tube, soy's plant estrogens can speed cancer cell growth. Why the discrepancy? It may be that soy behaves differently in the body than it does in test tubes. Or soy may have both positive and negative influences on breast cancer. . .. . . Replacing steak with soy could be protective. ... A recent National Cancer Institute workshop on soy and breast cancer risk concluded that we still don't know enough to recommend soy for cancer prevention. and a solid answer, based on research, is still years away.

So, in other words, the jury is still out. And my first thought is: "Who lives in a test tube anyway?"

I like soy. Reliv Classic and some other products are soy-based. I found an interesting thing happened when I started taking Reliv. Not only did my pain go away (see My Story in the archives), and I stopped craving sugar, caffiene and fast foods, but I noticed I didn't eat as much chicken either!! In fact, I was still eating fish, but even more frequently and didn't have chicken for almost a whole month before I noticed it. (I'd stopped eating beef and pork some years ago, and only occassionally included them in my diet).

So, I'd rather see myself in my life, than in a test tube and I know the results Reliv has produced. After all, isn't that the most important thing???

Questions, comments always welcome. Are you ready to Re-Live??


Monday, May 19, 2008

My own worst enemy

Because I've done a lot of my own personal growth work and coached hundreds of others in theirs, I know about negative self talk. You know. It'll never work. I can't. What makes me so special? How is this possible? It's crazy to think ... I'm not up to it.

On and on it goes. Knowing it is negative is not enough. I, or anyone, must act despite these "stoppers". The talk may never stop, but it doesn't have to stop us.

So as I progress with my ReLiv business, this negative self talk pops up over and over. How do I overcome them? How can I change them? What is needed to succeed even when I feel discouraged?

The answer is two-fold for me. One, I use my upline, the support system that is built in with those who are personally invested in my success. I also use my colleagues. Those people I know who are using and distributing Reliv who are as dedicated to Nourishing Our World as I am. We support each other freely and happily. There is always someone I can call.

Reaching out for support is in and of itself a difficult action for me to take. But, it has helped me far more than I can say. Whether it's been during times of family stress, personal change or desperate need, reaching out to others has been what gives me strength. Always, I have found a shift in behavior and attitude as a result.

So, I reach out to my upline and to my wonderfully dedicated colleagues.

The second way I have available to me is the entire business system Reliv offers. Locally we have informational evenings every Tuesday night. Others in the business get together to share the story of their own results, health and financial. We present these opportunities to interested parties, so I don't have to "sell" anything to anyone. The stories speak for themselves. Each Saturday morning we meet again to expand and deepen our ability to help others enjoy the benefits of these great products and this wonderful business opportunity. It helps and much as I want to skip them, I am always supported when I go.

Naturally, my own health supports me in all of this. I find I listen to my NST (negative self talk) more when I'm tired or hungry. The cure?? You guessed it! Consistent use of RELIV!!!!

Let me know what you do to combat NST.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Starting My Business

Just a quick explanation about how I decided to commit myself to the ReLiv business. Although I'd always worked and made good money, I had never accumulated wealth, always been in debt and resigned to the fact I would never have an inheritance for my children other than passing on family values (that counts for much, I know, but I still wanted to give them some financial assets as well).

Then my mom died and the estate she and my dad left me was put in trust, so I wouldn't spend it away. The income from the trust was less than I thought and I was angry and resentful about that as I thought it should be more. I didn't like feeling that way and I wanted another avenue of income besides house sitting.

Did you know the ReLiv business is a willable asset? This is a very unusual aspect of network marketing. Usually, the business dies when the person dies. But Reliv has made it so our families can benefit even if we are gone.

So, I figured I still had time left in my life to make amends (amending past behaviors to new behaviors), make money by myself as opposed to living off my parent's trust AND save/use my income wisely AND pass it on to my kids. That was my motivation for the business and once that happened, my son-in-law stood by me, offered his support and I also found a way to enter the business at the highest profit level . That increased my ability to tap into the true spirit of networking by telling not just everyone I knew, but putting out my cards whenever and where ever I could, and treating myself as a business person.

Because there are regular Tuesday night informational meetings, Saturday trainings and other wonderful support systems in place, I will not be alone in making all this happen. It is my full intention to do this business to the best of my ability and to learn and grow in the process. Sounds like FUN to me!!!

Watch me grow. Join me if you want. We'll nourish our world together!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Consistency, Consistency, Consistency

One of the first things you learn when you start the ReLiv products is to take them consistently. If you have read "My Story" is how ReLiv worked to take my pain away in three days. This pain had been with me over 10 years and was getting worse and worse every year.

You can bet I took the product consistently. Well, when I went to the San Jose conference, I brought my product along of course and I thought I was doing ok taking it consistently until mid-morning on Saturday.

Suddenly, as I was sitting in the main auditorium, I got up to go the the ladies room and wham!! My ankle pain was back with a vengence. I couldn't believe it and thought it would subside easily if I just walked it off as I sometimes do. But no. This was pain like I used to have before December, pain so bad I could barely walk and I was not looking forward to having all those people see me limping and hobbling so badly I could barely make it.

So, I hobbled alone back across the street to my hotel. Got myself upstairs and realized I had not been taking ENOUGH product. I had taken it consistently, but didn't have the amount correct since Friday morning.

I was so afraid I'd blown it forever! All my memories of how things had been came back. All my fears and that terrible pain made me realize I still had a broken, damaged ankle and I had ReLiv to thank for giving me my mobility back.

So I took a big old shake, laid down for about an hour, took another shake with lots of Arthraffect, a bit more rest and Lo and Behold!!! I was pain free the rest of the time.

I learned my second lesson. Number one was consistency, Number two is amount! I will not make the same mistake again.


My insights from San Jose

As many of you know, I'm an old trainer, corporate management consultant and personal growth coach. So I know about goal setting, purpose statements and all that goes with changing behavior and creating a reality.

But my heart was heavy as I started the conference at the San Jose Convention Center. I felt stuck, unmotivated and sad that I was not building my business by helping others experience the wonder of ReLiv's optimal nutritional support that leads to healing.

I had a serious conversation with my room mate Garnet about this and she asked me "Well, what are you looking for?" The perfect growth coach question, I evidently couldn't ask myself.

"I want to know why I'm so stuck and how to get moving on sharing these products and this great opportunity. I want to get unstuck." I replied.

"Well, then," she assured me. "You will get that, just keep asking that question."

My answer came Saturday morning. Three young (very young to me) distributors where on stage presenting a workshop entitled "Focus: The key to Achieving Your Goals". Pretty basic stuff I thought. But as the workshop proceeded, I was surprised and delighted to receive many new insights to my stuck situation.

The first was in the form of an axiom. "If you chase two rabbits at the same time, you lose both of them".

It pictured well and I realized I'd been trying to serve two masters much in the same way I was when I began my career as a psychotherapist (growth coach).

At that time, I was doing several corporate management training workshops and figured I could build my therapy practice with the help my new wonderful mentor/employer and support system. Then, I figured, I could gradually stop doing the management training as my therapy practice grew.

But I was very surprised when my employer, told me "NO".

She said, "You must put 100% into this effort and give up your other work". I was stunned. I was afraid, but I did it.

I completed my current contracts with corporate clients such as GM, Amoco Oil, and other local manufacturing plants. At the same time, I left an apartment and area I loved, moved in with my sister, shared her townhouse for an entire year, commuted into the city and dug in with the meager start of five clients and very little income.

But, I succeeded. Through that sacrifice, I found the motivation and energy to become the best therapist I could be. My corporate career was over and my new growth coach career had begun. I never looked back, and I never regretted it. I was 48 years old.

So, I'm grateful for the energy and enthusiasm of those three distributors in San Jose who talked about turning your focus to ReLiv in order to succeed and reach your goals. There was more I gained from hearing them, but the rabbit quote was the best and I received it within hours of asking for it.

I have one more personal insight regarding my reluctance to take on ReLiv as a business. As you know, I'm 100% behind the products and I love the company as a whole. But, that other story must be left to private phone calls, not to be displayed here on the public blog. Call me anytime and I will be happy to tell you what it is.

Many blessings to all. Let's stay healthy as we journey through this wonderful thing called Life!


Back From San Jose

Well, I went to my first Regional Conference and am so glad I did. Of course, I met wonderful people, was inspired by numerous stories and was so happy to share my story as well. I was able to get closer with my Tucson ReLiv family, my upline as well as my personal motivations to do this wonderful business.

I would like to share just two stories with all of you.

PS - You are welcome to read this post first, but if you are new to the blog, you may also want to read the archived posts that came before to gain insight into my purpose and approach. Here goes!

My first story begins with the beginning. On the plane to San Jose. I drove from Tucson to Phoenix, left my car at my daughter's and she drove me to the airport. While there I met up with my sponsor, Roberta, her husband and a great new friend Bubba. We sat together and of course starting chatting away with each other about - what else? ReLiv!

Two rows behind us sat a lovely couple Richard and Mirna Bowley. They too were going to the conference and so we quickly made friends. Well, the first thing you ask a person with ReLiv is: "What's your story?" and Richard and Mirna were no exception. Roberta and I shared ours and then they proceeded to tell us their incredible health and business story.

Mirna, an LPN who works at a Phoenix hospital had fantastic results on ReLiv and like so many others, she had been very resistant to taking the product in the beginning. Mirna suffered from juvenile arthritis especially in her knees for years (since she was 15, I think) and she also had severe sleep apnea to the point that her husband had to monitor her while she slept so she would not choke to death in her sleep! Needless to say both were terribly sleep deprived.

Fast foward to the first week Mirna took the product. Great results with both issues and Richard was especially convinced this was a busness opportunity they did not want to miss. When he told his sponsor he was $100,000 in debt and had no way to become an MA, she told him "Find a way"!

What happened next was very impressive. Richard came home and asked Mirna for her wedding rings. Over all her tears and protests, he took them, along with his own wedding band and a gold medallion necklace of his, to a pawn shop. He told the broker "I need x amount of dollars and I will pay you back in 30 days".

Richard went on to tell us that they placed the order and before it was even delivered they had sold almost all of it because of the dramatic results Mirna had received and I suspect because of his own enthusiasm and integrity about this product. Sure enough within 20 days he was back at the pawn shop picking up the rings much to the amazement of the pawn broker.

I feel so fortunate to have met Richard and Mirna on the plane because as they told their story throughout the conference, Steve Hastings, our VP of Marketing, eventually got wind of it. On Saturday morning, to their surprise he asked them to come up on stage and tell it to the entire conference. I have to say they were incredible and their business cards were gone before they could even get back to their seats!!!

So that was inspiring to me and to many others to know that sacrifice can pay off many fold if you stay focused on your goal.

Hang on and I'll tell you my own special story that happened while I was at the conference. I'll make another post to tell some of the things I learned while I was there. Don't go away, this is worth it!