Monday, May 19, 2008

My own worst enemy

Because I've done a lot of my own personal growth work and coached hundreds of others in theirs, I know about negative self talk. You know. It'll never work. I can't. What makes me so special? How is this possible? It's crazy to think ... I'm not up to it.

On and on it goes. Knowing it is negative is not enough. I, or anyone, must act despite these "stoppers". The talk may never stop, but it doesn't have to stop us.

So as I progress with my ReLiv business, this negative self talk pops up over and over. How do I overcome them? How can I change them? What is needed to succeed even when I feel discouraged?

The answer is two-fold for me. One, I use my upline, the support system that is built in with those who are personally invested in my success. I also use my colleagues. Those people I know who are using and distributing Reliv who are as dedicated to Nourishing Our World as I am. We support each other freely and happily. There is always someone I can call.

Reaching out for support is in and of itself a difficult action for me to take. But, it has helped me far more than I can say. Whether it's been during times of family stress, personal change or desperate need, reaching out to others has been what gives me strength. Always, I have found a shift in behavior and attitude as a result.

So, I reach out to my upline and to my wonderfully dedicated colleagues.

The second way I have available to me is the entire business system Reliv offers. Locally we have informational evenings every Tuesday night. Others in the business get together to share the story of their own results, health and financial. We present these opportunities to interested parties, so I don't have to "sell" anything to anyone. The stories speak for themselves. Each Saturday morning we meet again to expand and deepen our ability to help others enjoy the benefits of these great products and this wonderful business opportunity. It helps and much as I want to skip them, I am always supported when I go.

Naturally, my own health supports me in all of this. I find I listen to my NST (negative self talk) more when I'm tired or hungry. The cure?? You guessed it! Consistent use of RELIV!!!!

Let me know what you do to combat NST.


tucsonsam said...

To combat NST, you've first got to identify that you are doing it. But once I do that, I sometimes (either mentally or physically) snap my fingers or clap at the NSG and say "Stop that" or "Go away" or "That's not true".

Anonymous said...

To combat NST, you've first got to identify that you are doing it. But once I do that, I sometimes (either mentally or physically) snap my fingers or clap at the NST and say "Stop that" or "Go away" or "That's not true".